DIY Woodworking: Crafting a Stunning Wood Slice Clock for Your Home
Have you been looking for an easy and rustic way to bring a clock to your home? Learn how with this amazing DIY wood slice clock in a few simple steps!

DIY Wood Clock
Hello friends! I have to admit that today’s DIY Wood Slice Clock project absolutely tickled me pink to create. You already know that my favorite creations are out of natural items, but this little sweetheart brought together a few different elements that are near and dear to my heart.
Mike (aka. super talented hubby) and I purchased our current home almost a year ago (jeez time flies!), and not only were we very fortunate to find a fixer-upper home at a reasonable price but it also included five acres.
Mike would like to have many, many, many, manyyyy more acres than this, but for now, it is perfect for achieving our goals.
With that being said, with many acres included also means a lot of outdoor work! Our home is surrounded by plenty of trees so we have a lot to take care of on both the outside as well as the inside.
DIY Projects Out of Wood
Thankfully for me (aka. frugal-nature-girl) I am in a wonderland of creative DIY projects and events, to say the least! For instance, do you remember when I did my DIY branch curtain rod or even the tree stump table? They were so much fun to make!

How To Make a DIY Wood Slice Clock
Above is the current clock that I have been using in the studio. Honestly, I don’t really mind it. It has a clean, simple, and modern style. However, heaven forbid I leave well enough alone!
Here are step-by-step directions for how to make a DIY wood clock of your own.
1.) Take A Working Clock Apart
The first step is to find a clock that works and take it apart. Just lay out all the pieces on the table.

2.) Find a Wood Slice
Next, I grabbed one of the wood slices from the tree that Mike had cut down for the studio. P.S. Did you see the last studio update? We’re making progress!!
3.) Cut a Hole in the Middle of the Wood Slice
Then, cut through the middle of the wood slice in order to put the battery-operated clock mechanism into it. I wanted to be able to easily change the battery so having the backside open was a must!
NOTE: Please remember that whenever you use wood or bring anything into your home from outdoors you must always thoroughly clean and disinfect.

4.) Tape or Glue the Clock Mechanism In Place
The wood slice is obviously very heavy and extremely strong so cutting this hole was a chore, and furthermore was not exactly a piece of cake getting it to be a perfect size for the clock mechanism part. So, in order to get it to stay, I taped it into place on one side and then turned it over to insert the hot glue.

After the hot glue had dried I turned it back over and then inserted hot glue into any holes that it did not reach.

The backside isn’t the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen, but it is functional and allows me access to the battery.

5.) Create the Numbers on the Clock’s Face
Finally, the fun part! I got to use my handy dandy Silhouette CAMEO to add the Roman numerals around the wood slice.
When making a clock, do the numbers have to be perfectly centered?
You might notice that a few of my numerals are a little off-center. Since my wood slice was not a perfect circle/oval/whatever it was a little bit of a challenge getting everything to line up. In the end, I gave it my best and then decided to embrace the imperfections. Nothing in nature is absolutely symmetrical or perfect so why should this clock be?
6.) Attach the Clock’s Hands
Last, but not least… I was able to enjoy the end results. Yay!
In case you were wondering, I did use my favorite spray paint again. Rust-Oleum Oil Rubbed Bronze.

Have a wonderful weekend, and see ya next week!

Pssttt…. Don’t forget to check out my DIY projects page chocked full of DIY and decorating goodness!
Looking for more reclaimed wood-inspired DIY projects?
- DIY Reclaimed Wood Pumpkins
- How to Build a Potting Bench with Reclaimed Wood
- Fairy Tale Reclaimed Wood Signs
Let’s be Social
This post was updated in August 2022.
My goodness that is clever!!
Thank you Hollie! Just checked out your creative date night recommendations… love them!! 🙂
LZ, this is so you and so cool! I love it. Did you and Danielle dig out the center? I can see you two laughing and sweating and maybe a little swearing. But it was worth it, wasn’t it! Love it.
Believe it or not, Danielle is actually in SC and I’m in NC. However, if she was closer I would most definitely make her cut out the middle of this wood slice! Definitely not the easiest part of this project!! Swearing? Us? Lol. I’ll just leave it at that!
Where oh where can I get the clock works (the hands-never seen any like them b4). My sister is doing a wall of clocks & I would love to make this for her.
Hi Jude! This particular set was from a clock I had, but you can definitely buy just the clock “innards” on Amazon or even at Michaels. Good luck 🙂
Wow..caught my eye quickly! not a fan of clocks but love this! Nice post like others to,nice site simple yet divine! In TN myself and just starting blogging recently..long way to go lol… hope to know you more following pinning sharing!
Hi Mary and welcome! I completely understand about clocks. It’s not one of my typical posts, but I just had so much fun creating this beauty. Happy blogging 🙂
I’m in the middle of doing one of these with my son, but I’m stuck. I don’t have a center plate like you do to cover the battery mechanism on the front. Any ideas?
Hi Becky and that’s a fantastic question… My first thoughts are to A.) rummage through your garage, junk drawer, etc., and see if there is an old appliance that you could possibly repurpose one of its parts from B.) stop by your local thrift shop or Goodwill for an old clock that you can use some of its parts from and/or C.) search on Amazon for “Flat Metal Plates Circular” and find something similar in size–you might need to drill a hole, but they have a lot of options! Best of luck and hope this helps!! 🙂