How to Create a Beautiful Chicken Coop to Enjoy for Many Years

Learn how to create a beautiful chicken coop in just a few basic steps. Rustic, modern, and pretty with a few pops of flair! Your DIY chicken coop is just a few short steps away. 

Bring some farmhouse charm to your backyard with this stunning chicken coop! Not only does it provide a safe and comfortable home for your feathered friends, but it also adds a touch of beauty to your outdoor space. #chickencoop #backyardchickens #farmhousestyle #diyproject #homesteading #livestockhousing #poultrykeeper #urbanhomesteading #coopdesign #coopideas #coopgoals

A Beautiful Chicken Coop

I am so psyched to finally be able to share with you the end result of how to create a pretty and functional chicken coop! Trust me. It’s been driving me absolutely CRAZY not being able to show you these pictures all week long.

Side note and a little back story first though. Recently I shared with you my favorite 10 Pretty and Functional Chicken Coops that I found online, and I was beyond inspired to also create a gorgeous space for my future feathered friends.

how to build a chicken coop

Future? Yup. You heard me right. At the moment we have two little ducklings that are currently residing in the coop since they are only a few months old. We have a scary population of predators in our area so until they get a little bit bigger they’ll be breaking into the new digs.

So, without further interruptions, I present to you my little, beautiful chicken coop!

pallet chicken coop plans

Place the Coop In the Shade

Since summers can be quite dreadful down here in the South so we tucked it in next to the woods and under a tree to provide shade and coverage against the elements.

I believe it was last fall that I removed our screen door from the front of our home, and we were originally going to use it for the coop.

However, we forgot to take into account its height when building the “coop house” and it was entirely too big! No worries though. Mike just built one to fit, and I absolutely love it! Isn’t this coral color amazing?!?

how to create a chicken coop

I definitely wanted to add some kind of stepping stones or a mat to the front of the door and was thrilled when I found part of this pallet still intact. It worked out so well in this spot!

diy chicken coop

Even my fluffy puppy (aka. Kyler) loves this area. He’s so funny with smaller animals. He thinks he’s all big and bad!

Use Sandy Areas to Track Predators

In case you’re wondering why I didn’t mulch all the way around our coop (or why there are a lot of sandy areas), we actually did this on purpose.

Seriously! Remember how I said we have a thriving population of predators in the area? We actually check every morning for prints in the sand around the coop to see what we’re dealing with and if we have any “leaks” for them to gain access.

So far we’ve confirmed a few raccoons and a fox along with a bear. Scary, right? I know there’s more than just this, but hopefully, they’ll stay far, far away!

Add Decorative Picture Frames

This back area was just so plain so I added a few picture frames that I had on hand and painted them white.

pretty chicken coop
making a chicken coop

Also, the coop actually has three doors. One on the front, one above the picture frames (to collect eggs), and then the last is on the other side where we can scrape out the lovely doodles.

How to Create a Beautiful Chicken Coop

best chicken coop
cheap chicken coop

All of our hostas around the coop are actually transplants from underneath our front porch. They were just too pretty to be hidden away, and plus, I didn’t want to spend a ridiculous amount of money buying more plant life.

DIY Chicken Coop Curtains

You know I couldn’t resist adding a little bit of elegance to the front of the coop! πŸ˜‰

walk in chicken coops
backyard chicken coops

These knockout rose bushes are so pretty even without roses! They were on sale for $4.99 apiece since they were nearly dead when we got them, but we nursed them back to health and they’re looking awesome now!

And here are our little duckies. Fluffy Wuffy and Poodle. Heck yea, I named them! Haha. Just kidding. These names are all Ava.

Do you remember this Upcycled Flower Planter Chandelier? I was trying to find the best place to put this beauty, and then it dawned on me how perfect it would be in the coop. Doesn’t it completely make this area? Just a hint of classy and rustic charm.

diy chicken coop signs
how to build a chicken coop

Originally I put this vintage watering can outside of the coop, but it just didn’t work. Now, it’s the perfect addition inside!

Did you enjoy this post? If so, please make sure to check out a few of my other gardening and outdoor living tutorials!

Can’t wait to see you again!

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    1. You are so sweet, Christine! I definitely had a lot of fun creating this little coop, and adding little pretties everywhere πŸ™‚

  1. Your duckies are sooo lucky! A very pretty coop. Never saw one before with a chandelier and curtains. You go girl….. Enjoy your ducks and your chicks. Have fun.
    Carol P-K

  2. I love it! Fantastic job! Do the chickens and ducks get along ok? Veerrry inspirational! thanks for sharingβ™‘

    1. Hi Tassie! Thank you so much πŸ™‚ We actually don’t have the chickens yet. Isn’t that funny? We are slowly introducing the ducks into “the wild” right now. We’re hoping very, very soon though.

  3. oh LZ your CUTE ducks and future chickens are going to become the most stylish ladies growing up in such a chic, frenchy, country palace wow!!! i almost want to move in!!
    working on a post about the best DIY coops, yours is definitely going to be a super star! love love!!!

    1. You are so sweet, and I completely agree! I definitely would want to move in as a chicken! Lol. Thank you so much, and I can’t wait to see your post πŸ™‚

  4. Really nice coop! We just built our first one for five Easter Eggers. I have not had a chance to document it (except on my Facebook Page). What I adore is seeing all the different styles. The coral color is such a nice pop.

    1. Thank you, Brianna! Our ducks just recently decided it was time to go into the “wild” so it is almost time for our chickens. I can’t wait πŸ™‚

  5. This has to be the fanciest most posh chicken coop I have ever seen. So creative – love it. Thank you for sharing at Share It One More Time. Cathy

    1. You are too kind, Cathy! I’m so happy to hear that you love it, and I will most definitely be stopping by more often πŸ™‚

  6. Awwh, this is so cute! I love the red against the rustic white. Your chickens are very lucky, indeed!

    1. Thank you so much, Veronika! I just couldn’t resist creating a cutesy little thing for them! πŸ˜‰

  7. Oh my goodness! I’m seriously so in love with this chicken coop I’m in danger of moving in. We’re planning on having chickens when we come back to Alabama in the fall….You’ve given me some major inspiration for my future gals. I’d love to feature this coop on our upcoming weekend features post with a link back to you. Hope that’s ok by you πŸ™‚

    1. Hi Jenna, or should I say neighbor? πŸ˜‰ Thank you so much for stopping by, and I’d be honored to be featured!!

  8. I was looking for something like this and i am so glad that you shared! I love the Home sign and water can touch you put on it! We are thinking about getting babies and still trying to learn what we need to know first before we do!!IFollowed you from the wonderful wednesday hop and a new follower!!

    1. There is definitely so much to learn about chickens. I am also a beginner in this area so we can learn together!!

  9. It’s so pretty and girly πŸ™‚ What a great idea. Who said chicken coops have to be ugly! Your duckies are adorable and they’ve got the most elegant home in the history of duckland!;)

    1. Lol. Duckland. I love it! Our little babies just recently decided that they’re big enough to stay outside the coop so hopefully the chickens will be coming very soon πŸ™‚

  10. I have wanted to raise chickens for years. When I finally get a coop, I’m sure it won’t be this nice. Your chicken coop is as nice as my house. πŸ™‚
    Thanks for linking up at the #homematterslink. We’re glad to have you.

    1. Hi Amanda! Thank you so much for the kind words and stopping by. I’m sure your chickens will absolutely love whatever you create for them!

  11. I love this it is so amazing. I only wish we didn’t live in a neighborhood and could have chickens.

    Thanks for linking up to the Living with Style Linky Party. We hope to see you back this week!

    1. You are so sweet, and I truly appreciate you stopping by πŸ™‚ I’ll make sure to see you again very soon!

  12. I love, love, love your adorable chicken coop! I always swoon over any sort of chicken coop, because I would love to have my own (still fighting my husband and the city on that one), but I must say, yours is one of the most creative I’ve seen. Enjoy those little chicks, I know they’ll love their new coop!

    1. Thank you so much, Jenny! I will cross my fingers and toes that you’ll be able to convince them both very soon πŸ˜‰

  13. I love you chicken coop, it is so cute! Lucky chickens and duck have a cute homey little pen. I want a chicken pen but it’s on hold till we get through with our home remodel. Pinning to my chicken coop board. Thanks!

  14. Hello,
    Very cute set up you have here!
    I’m curious how much it cost you to do this and how many chickens will this hold? I’m interested in maybe building one like this, do you have instructions on how to build it?


    1. Hi Salisa! Honestly, it will definitely depend on what you have on hand. The mass majority of our projects are constructed from leftover wood. Hopefully in the near future I can get a PDF with instructions for you. πŸ™‚ Also, we currently have 8 chickens in ours, but we also would like to expand. It gets a little stinky with this many!

    1. Hi Kate! I completely understand and agree! When my husband and I put this little beauty together we definitely didn’t take enough photos to do a tutorial. HOWEVER, we are revamping and adding a new portion for our little chickens this summer and will definitely make it a priority to include instructions for that post. Thanks for stopping by πŸ™‚

  15. Pingback: 60 Easy DIY Chicken Coop Plans For Backyard Chickens – 100% FREE - Lemon Slide

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