3 MUST HAVE Essential Oils and 10 Ways to Use Each

There are so many different essential oils out there that you can choose from. However, these 3 are your MUST-HAVE essential oils!

There are so many different essential oils out there that you can choose from. However, these 3 are your MUST HAVE essential oils for every day!

3 MUST HAVE Essential Oils and 10 ways to Use Each

Ever since I had my daughter (Miss Ava) I’ve had the weirdest and most uncomfortable sensitivity towards smells and other random changes in weather.

For instance, during hunting season my husband knows when the deer will be moving based on how much my face hurts. Aka. a change in air pressure encourages deer movement.  DISCLAIMER: I am by no means a deer expert. Just merely stating what I’ve been told over the years. 😉

Anyways, since my head ached, my eyes were swollen, and I was overall ridiculously uncomfortable during the spring and fall in NC I just figured I had developed an allergy. It happens.

After a few years of trying every known allergy med with no relief I finally decided to go to a specialist to find out what I was allergic to, and then start the shots.

You are not going to believe it, but…. I’M NOT ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING.



You can only imagine my surprise when the doctor informed me that all of my tests came back, and I was perfectly normal. Yes. You heard me. I’m NORMAL. Hah!

I do believe that I was even more confused and irritated finding this out then when I believed I had allergies.

3 MUST HAVE Essential Oils and 10 ways to Use Each

Desperate, I decided to do my own research, and that’s when I found essential oils. I realized that all of the chemicals I was using in my cleaners, fabric softeners, scents as well as what I was eating was affecting my way of life.

I’ll admit though. I was a little skeptical, and let’s be honest, essential oils are not cheap!

However, I was willing to try anything.

And I’ll be darn… they really, really work!

Here are my top 3 must have essential oils that I use on a daily basis, and ways I use each of them.

DISCLAIMER: Please keep in mind that just a little drop (maybe two) will do ya when using pure essential oils like Young Living.


1.) under eye-dark circles (just a little, itty-bitty dab under my eyes. be careful!! it is potent the first time)

2.) soothing/calming (a drop on my wrists and then inhale)

3.) combined with lemon & peppermint for an AMAZING air freshener

4.) flea control on dogs (trust me–I didn’t believe it either!)

5.) in lemonade

6.) combined with peppermint on your wrist to relieve sinus pressure/headaches

7.) in the bathtub

8.) zit control (just a little tab on the problem area)

9.) sleep aid (I add a drop on my hands, rub them together, and then put on my pillow–AMAZING!)

10.) PMS (a drop on my wrists and then inhale)

3 MUST HAVE Essential Oils and 10 ways to Use Each


1.) morning energy boost (just add a few drops to water)

2.) anxiety (used in my morning water helps tremendously throughout the day)

3.) sinus problems (in water and/or my wrists)

4.) UTI (just add a few drops to water)

5.) for taste (sometimes I just don’t want to drink plain water)

6.) bloating (just add a few drops to water)

7.) sore throat (just add a few drops to water)

8.) promotes weight loss (used with grapefruit oil and peppermint oil in water)

9.) nail care (I regrettably pick my cuticles. I use lemon oil to help restore them from this horrible habit of mine!)

10.) used in a diffuser (smells wonderful and is a great for relaxing too)


1.) headaches (a drop on my finger then massage into my temples)

2.) for taste (in coffee!)

3.) freshen your breath

4.) stomach ache relief (just add a few drops to water)

5.) anti-itch on bug bites

6.) promotes weight loss (used with grapefruit oil and lemon oil in water)

7.) add to your shampoo (smells amazing and it super energizing!)

8.) sunburn relief (add a few drops to coconut oil and apply to affected area)

9.) bloating (just add a few drops to water)

10.) sinus problems (in water and/or my wrists)

Want to know more about essential oils?

Check out my exclusive Young Living Essential Oils page that explains more!

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  1. such a delicious post LZ!! =) i have always been sensitive to smells, and when i walk into a conventional store i would get really tired, from all the smell! a lady at an essential oil / candle store told me it’s the chemicals and synthetic stuff causing that!
    and i always love going to natural food co ops because the amazing smell of EOs! xoxo

    1. I couldn’t agree more!! EO’s are amazing, and at this point in my life I could NOT life without them. XOXO

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