Building Your Dream Backyard Chicken Coop: Our Design and Tips
Looking for whimsical ideas for your backyard chicken coop? Let me take you on a tour of my own quirky and inspirational coop.

Whenever I’m creating something new I’m constantly looking for a different way from the “norm”.
With that being said, you know I wasn’t going to create a coop that anyone has seen before… right?!
I bet you’re wondering how I even came up with this idea. Well, I actually was drooling over A-frame homes for a potential backyard studio idea but decided against it. However, I knew I could use the same inspiration to create a walk-in backyard chicken coop.
It all starts with an idea, and this one focused on the chicken run below. I wanted to make sure that it would work and that my super-talented husband understood my vision.

A Whimsical and Inspirational Backyard Chicken Coop
Believe it or not, we don’t have telepathic capabilities… although, that would be amazingggg.
I wouldn’t have to explain so much!
While I won’t be showing you the entire process I thought it would be interesting for you to see the state of our yard and how much it all changed!
Our little coop really turned into a HUGE focal point in your yard. Especially with that gorgeous bright, yellow, and happy door.

Are DIY projects a family event at your house as well? We seem to alwaysss include everyone.
You know, Miss Ava, the dogs, ducks, and now the chickens!
It’s actually quite hilarious to watch all their little faces absorb in absolute wonder what we’re doing. I like to think that they understand, but that’s just me.

We still have a lot of work to do before I can show every side of the coop, but I’m really loving how it’s turning out so far!

Even Miss Kate is loving the vantage point of the coop from the house!
Although, if I’m being completely honest, I think it’s probably more of a best-squirrel-watching location rather than a best-watch-dog location.

A Whimsical and Inspirational Backyard Chicken Coop
This year we plan on adding a lot of dirt into the chicken run as well as along the fence, and hopefully, add in a few bushes to beautify the area.
Not to mention, I would LOVE to create a chicken play yard in the run! I’m thinking swings, ladders, and even a xylophone. Wouldn’t that be awesome?!
Did you enjoy this post? If so, please make sure to check out a few of my other gardening and outdoor living tutorials! Can’t wait to see you again!

Like this post? Check out my other chicken coop-inspired posts too!
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This post was last updated in June 2022.