A Simply Summery Centerpiece That Works for Any Room!

Designing a beautiful summery centerpiece doesn’t have to be exotic or cost a lot. All you need is a few favorite items and a little bit of nature.

Learn how to create a summery centerpiece with a few simple steps!

I absolutely love having a beautiful, but simple table centerpiece for every season. There’s just something about a creative collaboration of items on my table that brings joy to my heart. That sounds corny, doesn’t it? Well, as corny as it may be, it actually does make me smile every time I pass by my table and see beauty instead of leftovers and toys.

If you haven’t noticed before my taste in home decor is veryyyyy rustic. Here’s my theory on this. I love all things from nature. It doesn’t matter if they’re beautiful and fanciful like an orchid, or creepy and crawly on the ground like a spider.

Each has their own place on this Earth and I absolutely respect this concept. With that being said, I think it is important to bring nature inside our homes to cherish such gorgeous and natural beauty on a daily basic.

summery centerpiece diy

Plus, (and this is the frugal Franny in me talking!) finding nature outside your home is cheap–if not free!

summery centerpiece without flowers

Looking for more table ideas?

Wanna know what you’re looking at? Rye grass. No joke. I seriously dug up new grass that we planted this year (the best of the bunch!), and simply planted it in my favorite planter box.

Create a simple summery centerpiece with grass!

A Simply Summery Centerpiece That Works for Any Room!

I always think of fresh cut grass when I think of summer so what better way to feature it than in my home?

Loving this burlap table runner? It’s just a repurposed coffee bag! I got a pack of 10 through Amazon. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve reused them in my own home decor! You can find them here: Used Burlap Coffee Bags (10 Pack)

Happy Friday, and have a great weekend!

Linda Zahora-Cathcart The Summery Umbrella
 Pssttt…. Don’t forget to check out my Decorating projects page chocked full of DIY and decorating goodness!

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  1. I love that centrepiece-it looks so fresh and easy to maintian for those hot summer days.

    Great to find your blog via Motivation Monday.

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  2. LOVE!! I just saw something similar to your summery centerpiece at a antique/craft show recently! They wanted $40.00 for it!! Now I can make my own! Thank you for the inspiration-and for sharing at the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! This is a definite PIN!!!

    1. Hi CD, and thank you so much!! I can’t believe how much they were charging. Wow! Good thing we have plenty of it in our backyards, right? 😉

    1. Thank you so much Lorelai! I am a huge fan of simple and beautiful. 🙂 I will definitely come by and check it out!

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