How to Create Your Dream Dollhouse Even After You’ve Grown Up: Part I

Are you ready to indulge in some childhood nostalgia and create your dream dollhouse as an adult? Look no further! Discover the joy of DIY home projects and unleash your creativity with this series. Join me for Part I of my series and get inspired to build the dollhouse you’ve always wanted.

Rekindle your childhood memories with a dream dollhouse. #DIYdollhouse #nostalgia #grownupplaytime

As a kid, I remember getting a dollhouse for Christmas, and it was one of the most exciting gifts I’d ever received. But as an adult, it can be hard to find the same enthusiasm when it comes to dollhouses… or anything for that matter!

However, that is until you get your hands on one and start putting it together!! That’s what happened to me this past Christmas. My amazing husband and daughter picked out a beautiful dollhouse for me and I was able to put together my very own dollhouse kit.

Ok, ok, let’s be honest. My incredibly talented husband did quite a bit. However, in my defense, he was bored and offered. 🙂

Anyways, I’m here to tell you that creating your dream dollhouse as an adult can be just as fun and fulfilling!

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    Create the dollhouse of your dreams with these easy tips. #dreamdollhouse #adultingfun #DIYhomeprojects

    Where to Begin?

    The first thing you need is a dollhouse kit. These days, there are plenty of kits available online. So, you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home in order to get started.

    I’ve been searching for the past few years for something affordable and customizable and I was happy to see that Hobby Lobby actually had a large selection. Mine is called The Victorian Painted Lady.

    The next step is putting the pieces together; depending on the complexity of the kit, this could take anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Once your basic structure is assembled, it’s time for the fun part—decorating!

    NOTE: Just in case you’re wondering how long it took my husband and me to build the structure and add the shingles… I would approximate 10-12 hours.

    Who says dollhouses are just for kids? Learn how to make your own. #nevertooold #dollhouseobsessed #DIYhomedecor

    Decorating Your Dollhouse

    This is where you can really get creative with your space. There are plenty of websites out there dedicated solely to dollhouse décor and furniture, so you’re sure to find something that fits your style.

    From miniature rugs and wallpaper options to tiny kitchen appliances and detailed furniture sets, these websites have something for every taste and budget. Plus, they offer helpful tutorials if you want some extra guidance while decorating your dream dollhouse.

    For this particular blog post, I will not be going into how I’ve decorated my dollhouse. To be completely honest, at this very moment in time… I still have not finished the inside!!

    You see, the thing is, I would like to design all of the wallpaper and flooring for the inside and it’s taking me a lot longer than I expected. Go figure, right?!

    Get inspired to create your dream dollhouse with these simple ideas. #DIYfun #homedecorinspo #dreamhome

    Having Fun with Accessories

    Once the basic furniture is in place, it’s time for accessories! This is where all of those little details come into play; things like tiny bookshelves filled with miniature books or vases full of flowers are great additions that will give your space a lived-in feel.

    If you want something more personal or unique, why not make some DIY accessories? After all, there’s nothing quite like being able to say “I made that!” when showing off your finished product.

    NOTE: If you do decide to buy accessories online don’t forget to confirm the scale. I had no idea that there are so many different scales that dollhouses come in. For instance, for my dollhouse, I would look for accessories that are in the 1:12 scale.

    It's never too late to build your own dollhouse. Learn how here. #DIYdollhouse #nevertoooldtoplay #homedecorideas

    Creating your dream dollhouse isn’t just a great way to bring back childhood memories. It’s also a great way to express yourself creatively and have some fun while doing it! With so many online resources available now, it’s easy (and affordable!) to make your vision come true. Not to mention without spending too much money or time in the process.

    Discover the joy of creating your own dream dollhouse, even as an adult. #creativefun #dollhouseobsession #DIYproject
    Transform your home with a dream dollhouse that reflects your personal style. #homedecor #DIYdollhouse #dreamhome

    So if you’ve been wanting a creative outlet or looking for inspiration lately—building a dream dollhouse might just be the perfect project for you!

    Definitely keep an eye out in the next month or so… because I’ll be publishing a few more dollhouse-inspired posts to show you my work in progress.

    Happy Crafting!

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