12 DIY Lighting Ideas for the Bedroom
Searching for a DIY lighting idea for your bedroom? Then you’ll definitely WANT to stop by to check out these beauties! MUST PIN!

I’ve been searching high and low for a new light for our master bedroom makeover, but I’m just not willing to pay hundreds of dollars for a new one nor do I have that kind of money to blow–let’s be honest!
So, what’s a girl to do?
DIM (Do It Myself), of course!
The other day I was shopping at my local Restore (aka. Habitat for Humanity) down in Wilmington, and I was able to pick up this below beauty for $5. Yea, you heard me right! A whole whopping $5!!
As Mike (aka. super talented hubby) likes to say, “We’ve got big a$$ money and we ain’t afraid to spend it!”
**Just in case you couldn’t hear the tone in that phrase as I’m saying it out loud we are being EXTREMELY sarcastic.
What can I say? We’re very classy. Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.
12 DIY Lighting Ideas for the Bedroom

It’s not that pretty right now, but I have so many ideas running through my head along with the ridiculous amount of inspiration that I found on Pinterest this past week. Now all I need to do is figure out which direction I want to take.
You’ll definitely want to check out the below 25 DIY lighting ideas that I’m currently drooling over!
Oh Jenna Sue… how I adore everything you create!! Isn’t this chandelier stunning?!
{Chandelier Upgrade Source}
I’m definitely struggling the most with what color to paint my chandelier. White or oil rubbed bronze? It’s a real problem. I just can’t decide!!

{Brass Turned White Chandelier Source}


{Brass Chandelier Source}
12 DIY Lighting Ideas for the Bedroom
And then… there’s the rope option! Lauren has done such a great job turning this chandelier into something extraordinary.

{Rope Chandelier Source}

{DIY pendant Source}
Beads! Here’s another great example of a truly ordinary light turned into a true beauty.

{Beaded Light Source}


{Embroidery Hoop Source}

{Geometric Pendant Source}
This one is a little too long for our bedroom, but it was just too pretty to pass up!

{Mason Jar Pendant Source}

{Pendant Source}
Until next time,
Happy DIYing and see ya next time!
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