How to Decorate Your Home Using Handmade Signs
Decorating your home with handmade signs doesn’t have to be hard. Not only can they be purchased, but you can DIY them as well. Let me inspire you!

I’m not even sure when my love for handmade signs initially started. It’s been an ongoing romance that has definitely had it’s ups and downs over the years, but in the end we most definitely complement each other for the best.
Don’t worry. We’ve talked it out, and we always come to an agreement. We’re going to make it work.
Anybody else have this type of a relationship with their home decor?
No? Just me? Sigh.
It’s ok. I’m used to the crazy looks from my family and pets when I start talking to our house. You know the look!

{Learn how to make your own signs}
It’s the one where they raise their eyebrows and then slowly start walking backwards as if you won’t notice them if they move stealthily enough in the direction of the nearest exit.

{Master Bedroom You and Me Signs}
Ok, ok. I’m slightly exaggerating.
I don’t really talk to my handmade signs or other various home decor items.
I do, however, tend to stare aimlessly at walls that I want to “fix”. I have this horrible habit of changing my wall decor on a quarterly basis.

{Coffee Station Makeover Using Signs}
BUT, hear me out on this one.
I have learned a lot about using handmade signs and where they can go.
Wanna know my secret?

They can go anywhere.

{Rustic Woodland Wall Gallery}
I have them in (or have had them at least at one point) in every single room or space both indoors and outdoors of my home.
Here are 10 ideas to get your wheels-a-turning:
- in your bathroom
- in your kitchen
- garage/office/studio areas
- front or back porches
- chicken coop signs
- as Christmas ornaments
- directional vacation spot signs
- fairy tale garden signs
- guest bedroom wifi password
- pet or animal crossing in your yard

Plus, you can get creative and use items like clipboards or bulletin boards to hang up your favorite mementos or photos to create super, easy “signs” that can be hung up just as easily.
{Seasonal Summer Signs}
Don’t forget that signs can (and should–in my own personal opinion!) be changed out every season or holiday as well. It’s a great way to create a completely different atmosphere with a few quick changes!
How to Decorate Your Home Using Handmade Signs
Feeling inspired?
Want to learn how to make your own with a few designer tips? Sign up for my FREE “3 Design Secrets from a Pro on Creating Custom Signs for Your Home” PDF by signing up for my newsletter below.
Trust me. You’ll want to read these!
Happy Sign Making 🙂
Pssttt…. want to learn more about making your own home decor signs? Check out my new eBook, The Ultimate Guide to Making Your Own Signs, which includes 170 pages, 27 techniques, 35 projects, and 46 video tutorials (which is over 2+ hours of instructions)!

I just found your blog through Jenna Sue and absolutely love it!!! So inspiring!
Hi Debbie and welcome!! I’m so happy you stopped on by, and I look forward to seeing you around these parts of my humble abode 😉 Don’t be a stranger! –LZ