Natural Mosquito Bite Relief for Your Family

Have you been looking for a remedy that will provide natural mosquito bite relief? Today is the day you’ll learn how to find relief.

I just wanted to start off today’s post by saying that I am a firm believer of recommending only products that I have tried/used and believe in. I know that this concept isn’t always used, but I guess I’m just old school like that. 😉 So, with that being said, there are some affiliate links within this post, but I use this product on a.. ahem.. daily basis. Why? Because apparently I’m a bug magnet!

Anyways, moving on. Ever since my family and I have moved out into the “sticks” we’ve had a very friendly welcoming party from all of our lovely insect neighbors. We’ve had the lovely experience of being thoroughly acquainted with mosquitos, chiggers, biting flies, ticks, and spiders (among a variety of other teeny, lovely creatures as well).

Can you feel the sarcasm dripping out of my mouth?

It’s been quite an adventure learning how to not only protect ourselves while trucking through our land, but also the remedies involved with keeping ourselves sane from the constant itching.

Since I am the human bug magnet in our home I have used a ridiculous amount of bug relief products, remedies, and even old wives tales (aka. pantyhose–that’s a different story for a different day!). Alas, none of them have provided much relief until the bite has finally healed itself.

That whole “waiting” thing is not for me. Patience… uh… yea, not in the girl’s book for best talents.

So, what is my secret for natural mosquito bite relief? Peppermint essential oil.

That’s it! Just one drop on each bite, and within seconds (not joking!) I am feeling a little warm sensation and then relief. It is absolutely amazing!

Natural Mosquito Bite Relief for Your Family

If you’ve never used essential oils before just keep in mind that your body might not be used to it, and you’ll want take it slow with how much is used. For instance, only test on one bite instead all 50 of them to just ensure that your body not does not have a reaction.

Have I convinced you yet? I would show you before and after pictures of my legs that are consumed by these little bites, but I didn’t want to scare you off!

So, how do you get peppermint essential oil? You can order it through my Young Living Essential Oil page. It’s also part of the Premium Starter Kit (which comes with a diffuser to handle room odors and/or using the oils for wellness). I bought the Premium Starter Kit a few weeks ago, and I cannot tell you how impressed I have been. Not only have I been using these products on myself, but my daughter, husband, and the dogs.

I’m really not joking when I say that these products have been a lifesaver. Learn more and order yours here!

Lastly, please remember that not all essential oils are created equally. Sure, you might be able to find a better price at Walmart, but I’ll bet ya dollars to donuts that it isn’t pure and probably won’t work either!

Happy Monday y’all 🙂

DISCLAIMER: Also, please keep in mind that I am not a doctor or any type of health professional whatsoever. I am only suggesting what I have personally tried, and from my own research with this product.

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  1. Hi Lz,
    Thanks for this mosquito relief tip! We are also in the midst of lots and lots of bugs. About every time I walk outside I have another bite somewhere. My friends are very much into essential oil, and I even have a few oils my self but don’t know how to use them. I am going to have to try this. Oh are there oils you use as a natural insect repellent? That would be VERY helpful, especially for my little guy, he, like you, is a bug magnet!
    Thanks again for this tip! Hope you are having a great day, so glad I came across your blog!

    1. Hi AJ! There are most definitely essential oils that work great as a repellant. I’ll be doing a post very soon on a combination formula (so check back soon!), but a few that you could start off with are: Citronella, Peppermint and Lemon. Good luck 🙂

  2. Pingback: Natural Mosquito Bite Relief – The Summery Umbrella – Medicines For Health

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