Aqua and Pink Girl’s Room Makeover
When all else fails go with a bright accent wall! Definitely my favorite go-to method in my home like my Aqua and Pink Girl’s Room Makeover.
This post is sponsored by Lamps Plus. However, I will still be providing my amazing readers with opinions that are 100% my own, and based on my personal experience using their AWESOME products.
I am not in the least bit afraid to tell you that I have genuinely struggled with the last two rooms I’ve decorated. Seriously.
Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye. 😉
The first one was Mike and I’s master bedroom. But I am very happy to announce that I have finally figured out how to pull it all together. That room seriously made me want to pull out my hair!
And the second one was Miss Ava’s room.
Aqua and Pink Girl’s Room Makeover
So, I bet you’re scratching your beautiful head at this very moment and wondering why, aren’t you?
Well, to be completely honest, I just figured it out as I started writing this post.
It literally just dawned on me why.
I struggled for three reasons.
1.) I was trying to use a lot of the same elements within the rooms that were already established.
2.) Then, I was trying to create a beautiful room with as little money as possible. Which, by the way, can be incredibly trying!
And this is the most important and the kicker.
3.) I wanted to create each of these rooms to reflect back on the individuals living within their corresponding room.
Sounds obvious, doesn’t it?
However, designing a cohesive bedroom that not only is aesthetically appealing, functional, and reflects an individual is a whole different story.
For instance, when it came to Ava’s room she had one idea and I had another. We butted heads a little bit, and then FINALLY (after many, many, manyyyy months) we came to an agreement with the paint color of her Princess Castle Loft Bed.
This my friends was most definitely the turning point. Learning how to compromise with a 5 year old. Haha.
Anyways, enough about the negative of the room. Let’s focus on the positive accomplishments of another room all done!!
So, what do you guys think? I’d love to hear from you!